I'll take today over yesterday any day

I'll take today over yesterday any day

Sunday, May 16, 2010


May has been a lil sad for me because on May 5th grandpa hohl passed away : / He was an amazing, loving, and incredible person. Grandpa fought for his country and stayed true till the day he died.

I was at work when I got the call that grandpa had passed. I tried to hold myself together, but once I started to work with my elderly patients I just broke down. I haven't cried that hard in years...probably since Jerry died. My boss, Mara, got me a replacement right away so I could go home and be with my family. Anna was home and I needed so much support so I stopped by her house. We decided to drive up to Show Low to be there for our mom.

Once I went back to work...I called my mom when I got off and said " I don't like old people anymore :( " Working with the elderly, now, feels like salt in a wound. I didn't think I would take grandpa's death this hard. Mom says there will be the days when you just want to give up and you feel there's no hope for the future, but with time everything will heal.

Grandpa's funeral is on May 29th, memorial weekend ...Memorial day I believe was his favorite day of the year. He has work hard for years to make memorial day full of honor, but still fun. That's why this weekend couldn't be a better one to celebrate his life of Love, Dedication, and Honor.

I like to believe I was the favorite of all the grandchildren ( haha ) because he was my HERO. I am going to truly miss him and sometimes wish he was still here, but like mom says time heals everything....

Thought of the Day is:

Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile..

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I can't believe it's already May! Life has been flying by so fast, I haven't had a second to catch  my breath till now : D

 Well during April I celebrated my 21st birthday and I went all out! I figured you only turn 21 once and I didn't want to ever regret not really celebrating that much. Haha silly I know. My sister took us to this country bar called tom ryans and it was so much fun. I recieved drink after drink after drink after shot after shot after shot lol all for free cuz I was the birthday girl :] Towards the middle of the night they announced that it was my 21st birthday and the lead singer of the country band made me go to the stage so he could sing happy birthday to me! I was sooooo embarrassed! But all n all I had an amazing time. Sami danced the night away with me too. I couldn't have asked for a better more amazing birthday.

Also in April Brandon and I celebrated 3 years of being together <3 We have had an amazing journey these past few years and I couldn't be happier. In two months we will be celebrating our first year of marriage ... and many more to come! Honesty, loyalty, patience, compromising, and TLC has brought us this far and will continue to make our love grow for life : )

Last but not least in April....I finally found a wonderful job where I will NEVER EVER EVER work weekends again unless I want to. I will work monday through friday 6-2pm doing the one thing I LOVE in life...caring for those who need help :] It may not be the most
glamourous job, but I believe its with out a doubt the most REWARDING job.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The month of FEB.

February was a busy month for us. We moved into our new home in East Mesa and we LOVE it. My mom came down to visit and helped get things organized...she also loves it :)

Brandon had school this month for a week. I was blessed to be abl e to pick up a couple extra shifts at work so that him not working for a week wouldn't impact us that bad. He is doing very well in the class and is very happy to be working.

Towards the end of the month we went to Gina and Trin's baby shower. I made her a baby cake in john deere colors, it turned out really nice. Trin, Brandon and the other guys went shooting while us girls had fun playing games and eating yummy cake. Their baby boy is due pretty soon and we can't wait to meet him. We send all our prayers there  way for everything to go smooth :) and as painless as possible.

Also in the month of FEB my mom got reunited with her first love ... 35 years later and they feel as if they never part. She is doing really well and is extremely happy. We love seeing her happy and enjoying life.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day here on out and always tries to think positive :)

*The McGown Family

Friday, January 29, 2010


I'm happy its friday, but not looking forward to a double on Sunday...
We went a looked at our new home in East Mesa and we really liked it. Brandon's brothers (matt and josh) will be staying with us untill they can get on their feet. Neal (our landlord) is putting all new carpet in and so then we can move in on the 5th. I couldn't be more excited to finally have our own place after 6-7 months of living with other ppl. It's been nice and I'm extremely thankful to have such good friends in our life.

I have to work tonight as usual, but tomorrow I'm hopin my good friend Sami isn't too busy so we can go out and have GIRLS NIGHT! Nothing more has been happening, so this post is pretty short, but that's the update from the past couple of weeks.

O wait... Yesterday during my lunch hour I decided to try this place called the Fresh Mint (healthy food) cuz I heard it was really good. I walked in asked for a take out menu and said "Can I add chicken to my salad?" O BOY! The lady was so affended and said "Mam this is a vegitarien resturaunt." I was so shocked I have never seen or been to one before and I felt so bad for asking for chicken. I walked right out of there pretty quickly cuz everyone was looking at me like I was a animal killer! I didn't mean to, but hey you find all sorts of interesting places down here in the valley.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It's the new year...finally!

Wow! Six months of marriage has FLOWN by! I know six months isn't long at all, but It feels like just yesterday we were getting ready for the big day. The first six months of marriage has been really good. I guess we are technically in the honeymoon stage, but I personally think we went through that a long time ago. Sure we have had our ups and downs, but we are very thankful that the good has always over come the bad :] I don't believe in "stages of marriage". I believe you take your life day by day and that everything happens for a reason. Therefore I look forward to the memories we will be making and adventures we will be taking in the near future.

I love starting the new year out with full time jobs. It feels so good to have a full time good payin job for me and for my husband...2009 was the best and the worst at the same time. The good: Brandon asked my mom for my hand in marriage on January 16, 2009 and of course she said yes. We set our date and got married on July 4, 2009. Unfortunately after we moved back to Arizona from Colorado to get married we became unemployed. Finding work was such a rough task for 2009. Brandon decided he wanted to have a career rather than a job that goes pay check to pay check so he decided to join the union for sheet metal work. I think its one of the smartest decisions he has made for his future. He tells me that work goes by so fast and thats one of the best jobs to have. He is working full time and going to school and I couldn't be more proud of him. I also have a job that I LOVE ! I work at a community in Scottsdale for the elderly. My job is very rewarding and I get paid great money so I guess its true you can have your cake and eat it to :]

Now in 2010 I believe good things will come our way because we are both so supportive of each other and positive; we make the most of every good and not so good situation. On April 6th I will be celebrating my 21st birthday and my sister is ALREADY planning the party! I love her! On April 10th we will celebrate 3 years of being together strong and I'm so happy for that. Then last but not least we will celebrate our one year anniversary of marriage on July 4th :D I look forward to what is to come in 2010.

I hope everyone is having a great start to the new year. Lets make it a more positive, loving, and caring year!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas :D

We enjoyed our third christmas together in Show Low with both our families. My mom had her Christmas eve party and it was a blast. Colt, Kori and their babies were able to come and all our families. They really enjoyed themselves. We played some board games after all the kids opened their presents and had a great time. On Christmas morning brandon and I enjoyed some yummy coffee and waited till 8:30 to wake up everyone to open presents from "santa" haha. We recieved so many good things. And my mom really enjoyed her presents as well. I'm so happy we got to see all our friends and family and had the most amazing christmas yet!
Mom and I on Christmas Eve
Cash and Shannon

My love, matt, colt and peyton

Matt and My love enjoying some brewski's

Me, Mom, Aunt Sissy, and Jen

Kingston playing with all of Mema's snowmen