I'll take today over yesterday any day

I'll take today over yesterday any day

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It's the new year...finally!

Wow! Six months of marriage has FLOWN by! I know six months isn't long at all, but It feels like just yesterday we were getting ready for the big day. The first six months of marriage has been really good. I guess we are technically in the honeymoon stage, but I personally think we went through that a long time ago. Sure we have had our ups and downs, but we are very thankful that the good has always over come the bad :] I don't believe in "stages of marriage". I believe you take your life day by day and that everything happens for a reason. Therefore I look forward to the memories we will be making and adventures we will be taking in the near future.

I love starting the new year out with full time jobs. It feels so good to have a full time good payin job for me and for my husband...2009 was the best and the worst at the same time. The good: Brandon asked my mom for my hand in marriage on January 16, 2009 and of course she said yes. We set our date and got married on July 4, 2009. Unfortunately after we moved back to Arizona from Colorado to get married we became unemployed. Finding work was such a rough task for 2009. Brandon decided he wanted to have a career rather than a job that goes pay check to pay check so he decided to join the union for sheet metal work. I think its one of the smartest decisions he has made for his future. He tells me that work goes by so fast and thats one of the best jobs to have. He is working full time and going to school and I couldn't be more proud of him. I also have a job that I LOVE ! I work at a community in Scottsdale for the elderly. My job is very rewarding and I get paid great money so I guess its true you can have your cake and eat it to :]

Now in 2010 I believe good things will come our way because we are both so supportive of each other and positive; we make the most of every good and not so good situation. On April 6th I will be celebrating my 21st birthday and my sister is ALREADY planning the party! I love her! On April 10th we will celebrate 3 years of being together strong and I'm so happy for that. Then last but not least we will celebrate our one year anniversary of marriage on July 4th :D I look forward to what is to come in 2010.

I hope everyone is having a great start to the new year. Lets make it a more positive, loving, and caring year!


TrinandGina said...

CHEERS TO 2010! My this year bring better days than last!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Happy six months:)

Cheyenne and Brandon McGown said...

Thank you :]